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Lorem Ipsum is dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions.

    Relax At Home This Summer

    Our experts review some of this year’s hottest tips for holidaying at home this summer


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    各位校友你们好! 时光荏苒,日月如梭,转眼间,中华校友会成立至今已25年了!今年也是新加 坡独立50周年大庆,我们将展开以下一系列的庆祝活动:   (一)20-9-2015(日)2PM—5PM, 校友会会员大会暨第十四届理事会选举,我们 将有数位青年团校友参与竞选,恳请校友们切要拨冗出席支持我们。   (二)25-9-2015 (五)6PM—8PM,庆祝104年校庆暨中秋晚会,学校诚邀校友回 校与教职员、家长及学生同聚一堂,共庆佳节!   (三)15-11-2015(日)11.30AM – 3.00PM,压轴盛会 是校友会25周年庆宴会, 在学校冷气礼堂隆重举行。今年校友会的银禧庆典巧遇国家的50金禧国庆, 校友会本着饮水思源,感恩图报的美德,也邀请了建国一代的退休老师到来 同欢共庆,希望校友们踊跃参与,每位参加者都可获赠一本校友会25周年特 刊和一把印有校友会标志的雨伞,餐费50元。由于礼堂只能摆40桌   ,希望 大家尽快报名,以免向隅!请填妥下面的表格,连同画线支票注明: “Zhonghua  Alumni  Association”,支票背后写上姓名和电话号码,寄来学 校即可,截止日期:25-10-2015      欲知详情可联络以下理事:  

    ZHAA Newsletter (Edition 55)

    Click the link below to download the latest edition of the Alumni Newsletter Zhonghua Alumni Newsletter Edition 55

    ZHSS Homecoming 2013 (Cancelled)

    Dear all, due to insufficient number of participants that have signed up for the event, the Organising Committee has decided to cancel the Homecoming 2013. We will like

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